Corporate Bonds

Investing in Corporate Bonds: What Every Investor Should Know in 2024

Introduction to Corporate Bonds Many investors only buy bonds on a whim due to the seeming complexity of the bond market and its language. In truth, bonds are fairly basic debt instruments. So how can you break into this market? Learn these fundamental bond market phrases to get started in bond investing. Corporate bonds are…

Dividend Investing Strategies

Trading Stocks for Income : Exploring Dividend Investing Strategies in 2024

Introduction to Dividend Investing Strategies Investing in the stock market may be an effective strategy to accumulate money and achieve your financial objectives. While many investors focus on capital appreciation, dividend investing has grown in popularity over the years. Dividend investing allows you to create a steady stream of income from your stock purchases, making…

Investing and Day Trading

In 2024 How To Differentiate Investing and Day Trading

Introduction to Investing and Day Trading The field of securities trading provides a diverse range of tactics to meet the tastes and aspirations of various investors. Long-term investment and day trading are two common ways at opposing ends of this spectrum. The aims, tactics, and time periods of these strategies differ greatly. In this thorough…

stock market 101

Stock Market 101: Understanding the Fundamentals of Equities Trading

Introduction to Stock Market 101 The stock market is a massive and dynamic financial ecosystem that is crucial to the global economy. It allows people and institutions to invest and perhaps enhance their wealth. The stock market, on the other hand, might be scary and confusing for someone new to the world of securities trading….


Bonds Explained: A Beginner’s Guide Explaining How Bond Differs From Shares

Introduction to Bonds Explained When it comes to investing, the world of bonds might appear strange and confusing, especially to newcomers. Bonds, on the other hand, are an important element of the financial market, providing a distinct investment opportunity with their own set of laws and terminology. We’ll demystify bonds in this detailed tutorial, helping…

bonds and Securities in Nigeria

2023 Comprehensive Guide on Buying Bonds, and Securities in Nigeria

Introduction to buying bonds and Securities in Nigeria Investing in stocks, equities, and bonds is an effective way to increase your wealth and safeguard your financial future. Nigeria, Africa’s largest economy, has several chances for capital market investors. In this complete tutorial, we will look at how to buy stocks, equities, and bonds in Nigeria. In…

Everything You Need to Know About Securitization in Nigeria - Africa
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2023 Updated: Everything You Need to Know About Securitization in Nigeria – Africa

Introduction To Securitization: Securitization is a financial practice that has received a lot of attention in recent years. It entails converting illiquid assets into tradable securities, allowing businesses to access additional funding sources and control risks. Securitization has emerged as a key instrument in Nigeria for freeing liquidity in numerous areas of the economy. This…

Return Of Nigeria's Overnight Millionaires

The Hurried Return Of Nigeria’s Overnight Millionaires

By Shile Akinjo, Corporate Finance Analyst, Advisory, DLM Capital Group Introduction To Return Of Nigeria’s Overnight Millionaires Daily, more than half of Nigeria’s population, consume information on get-rich-quick packages and incentives in an economy with skyrocketing inflation. From catchphrases such as “Want to double your money in 2 days” to “Earn 30% on your capital…

DLM Advisory

DLM Advisory: Does Fintech Need the Financial Markets?

By Emeka Ngene, Head of Advisory, DLM Capital Group. DLM Advisory partner advises: The relationship between the Fintech Industry and the Financial Markets is a symbiotic one in that they both stand to gain tremendously from each other. Fintechs in Nigeria primarily needs the capital market for capital mobility. However, most of the Fintechs in…

Development Bank of Nigeria

Development Bank of Nigeria

The Development Bank of Nigeria (DBN) was conceived by the Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) in collaboration with the World Bank (WB), African Development Bank (AfDB), KfW Development Bank, French Agency for Development (AFD) and European Investment Bank (EIB) to address the major financing challenges facing Micro, Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (MSMEs) in Nigeria….